Wednesday, February 25, 2004 // 9:07 PM
So, being Ash Wednesday and all, Mel's movie The Passion comes out, and a lot of my friends are going to go see it. I would, you know, except for two reasons; firstly, because Will Farell isn't in it, and secondly, because I believe it to be blatant blasphemy. Here's the reason why: I'm gay for Will Farell. I'm going to beg him to father my children. Here's the reason why I think it's blasphemous: all images of Christ are a conception of man, and are thus erroneus. You can't, in that it is physically impossibly to, show the seperation of the Son of God from the Father. This leaves out the vicarious atonement of Christ, or at the very least limits it. The only reason anyone would go see this movie is for the emotional experience, and emotions are irrational. There can be little truth in this petty visualisation of the death of God.
// 10:50 AM
Well, Lent begins today, and after careful consideration I'm going to give up what I traditionally give up: Lent.
Monday, February 23, 2004 // 9:48 PM
Last night my brother and I watched the last two Austin Powers movies, and then the best of Will Farell on SNL. We were up till three o'clock busting our guts laughing. I wasn't laughing when I had to get up at 4 to work though. "What?" asks the inquisitive reader. "Work? Dave? Since when?" I kid you not, dear reader. Let me assure you, however, that it is just for today, and not anything habitual. I was helping this guy I know stock bread at Costco is all. I got home at eight, just when the rest of the household is rising and shining, and now I've lost my train of thought. I know I was going somewhere with this. I'm smashed, baby, yeah. Goodnight New York.
Wednesday, February 18, 2004 // 12:43 PM
I'm back after a few days of beer and fun and beer. Well, sort of back, anyways.
Wednesday, February 11, 2004 // 10:05 PM
Here's a picture of it all neatly organized. Click it for a mega picture that you can actually read most of the titles on the spine.
Tuesday, February 10, 2004 // 8:33 AM
Also posted at the-ri...
Over the years, being the nerdy PK that I am, I've collected quite a few books of all various shapes and sizes. They've sort of been spread out throughout the house, on shelves and such, but I finally gathered them all together and compiled them into a single book case in my room, all categorized almost neatly. I now list them for your viewing pleasure.
Categorized by general genre. Title followed by author (usually)
Number to the left of the title = the number of times I've read it
S to the left of the title = I've started it, but haven't finished it.
R to the left of the title = I'm currently reading it
1 - Death in the City - Schaffer
Commentary on the Book of John - Calvin
S - Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion V. 2
Church History:
A History of the Church in England - Moorman
England in the Age of Wycliffe - Trevelyan
S - The First Five Centuries of the Church - Moffat
Christian Thought Since Kant - Moore
Roman Catholicism in England (Reformation to 1950) - Watkin
General History:
Works of Josephus
The Lost Pharoh - Cottrell
A History of Medieval Civilization in Europe - Collins
The Mediaval Mind, Vol. 2 - Taylor
Paris and Oxford Universities in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries - Leff
S - The Templars (The dramatic history of the knights Templar, the most powerful military order of the crusades) - Reed
The Last Spike (The great railway 1881 - 1885) - Berton
S - The Wild Frontier (More tales from the remarkable past) - Berton
The Arctic Grail (The quest for the Northwest Passage and the North Pole 1818 - 1909) - Berton
1 - Canada's Fighting Pilots - Cosgrove
1 - Behind the Embassy Door (Canada, Clinton, and Quebec) - Blanchard
S - Pledge of Allegiance (The Americanization of Canada in the Mulroney years) - Martin
A Nation too Good to Lose (Renewing the purpose of Canada) - Clark
2001, A Space Odyssey - Clark
1 - Star Wars (From the adventures of Luke Skywalker) - Lucas
Hitler and Naziism:
2 - The Mind of Adolf Hitler (The secret wartime report) - Langer
Hitler - Stone
S - Hitler (A study in tyranny) - Bullock
The Bunker - O'donnell
R - Mein Kampf - Hitler
Death of a Nazi Army - Breuer
Nazi Culture - Mosse
Poetry, Prose, and Writing:
Prose for Senior Students - Gill
Beowulf & the Seventeenth Century - Girvan
A Reading of Beowulf - Irving
S - English Satire - Sutherland
Twentieth Century Canadian Poetry - Birney, editor
Poetry - Skelton
S - A Thomas Merton Reader - McDowell, editor
The Oxford Book of English Verse - Quiller-Couch, editor
1 - Shades of Black, Conrad Black (And the world's fastest growing media empire) - Siklos
Shakespeare (The poet in his world) - Bradbrock
T.S. Elliot (The man and his work) - Tate, editor
Hemingway - Lynn
R - Ernest Hemingway: A Life Story - Baker
1 - Walk On (The spiritual journey of U2) - Stockman
S - The Confessions of St. Augustine
Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, Vol. 1
S - The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien - Carpenter, editor
1 - Unfinished Tales - Christopher Tolkien, editor
1 - Book of Lost Tales, Vols. 1 and 2 - Christopher Tolkien, editor
1 - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, Sir Orfeo - Tolkien, translator
5 - The Hobbit
1 - The Silmarillion
Latin and Greek
1 - Latin for all Occasions - Beard
1 - Latin for Even More Occasions - Beard
Selections from Cicero - Brackenbury, editor
Pocket Lexicon to the Greek New Testament - Souter
Collin's Latin Gem Dictionary
1 - The Iliad - Homer
1 - The Odeyssey - Homer
The Student's Milton
Chaucer's Works
Merchant of Venice - Shakespeare
1 - Sonnets - Shakespeare
1 - The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy (A trilogy in four parts) - Adams
? - Mr. Meddle's Muddles - Blyton
2 - The Book of Guys - Stories by Garrison Keillor
? - Something Under the Bed is Drooling (A Calvin and Hobbes Collection) - Watterson
Fiction, Literature
1 - Black Hawk Down (A story of modern war) - Bowden
2 - Ghost Rider series - Brower
The Bodley Head (selected works) - Chesterton
The Secret of Chimneys - Christie
1 - Without Remorse - Clancy
Executive Orders - Clancy
1 - Rainbow Six - Clancy
Every Man a Tiger (The Gulf War air campaign) - Clancy
1 - The Hunt for Red October - Clancy
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald - Bruccol, editor
W - The Great Gadsby - Fitzgerald
W - Slightly Chipped (Footnotes in booklore) - Goldstone and Goldstone
1 - Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway
1 - True at First Light - Hemingway
1 - The Sun Also Rises - Hemingway
1 - In Our Time - Hemingway
W - A Moveable Feast - Hemingway
3 - Across the River and Into the Trees - Hemingway
1 - Walking the Dog - MacLaverty
S - Best Short Stories of Walter de la Mare
1 - The Restraint of Beasts - Mills
Wodehouse at War - Sproat
Various P.G. Wodehouse
Various Louis L'amour
It's sort of funny how I really haven't read that many. I just figure, "Why read it now? It'll always be sitting right there." Now that they're organized neatly, however, I hope to change that.
Sunday, February 08, 2004 // 4:15 PM
woowoo spiffy new changes. actually I hardly changed anything except the images. I'll fix up the rest later.
wow, this rocks.
wow, its perfect.
Thursday, February 05, 2004 // 10:18 PM
Older poetry from several months ago.
you took your light with you
you left me in the dark
the colours are gone now
even blue
all the world is black and white
everything's gone wrong
only you can make it right
so here's wishing you would stay
hoping for a rainbow
I shout out into grey
but everything's the same
and the greyscale remains.
Distracted Lies:
I'm looking past your tears
Into your eyes
Trying to find your soul
Before someone else dies
I'd tell you everything
If it would help
We both know it wouldn't
You'll have to help yourself
// 2:16 PM
There's way too much what-the-helling done about individualism. "Be your own person" "Make a difference." "You can do it if you just try." As funny as it all is, it does get old. Self esteem is the farce of farces. You can't be better than you are. If you keep telling yourself that you can conquer the world you might as well save yourself the trouble and get out the gun right now. The only assurance we have in ourselves isn't in ourselves at all, it's our justification in Christ.